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In 2010 Mechanics and Mathematics faculty of Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko university will be 70. The day will be 13th of december. In this regard, international youg scientists conference will be held on 13-15 of december.
Students, PhD and young scientists specialising in mathematics and mechanics are invited to this conference.
- Mechanics
- Differential equations and mathematical physics
- Algebra and Geometry
- Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Conference languages are ukrainian, russian and english.
Also, there will be lectures about the history of mechanics and mathematics faculty,
its prominent teachers and researchers, and review lectures of leading scientists.
This will allow conference participants to learn about faculty's history, its eminent figures and recent research.
Best works will be published in "Bulletin of Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko university. Series: mathematics and mechanics".
All non-local participants will be provided with accomodation.
Organizing committee:
Chairman of the committee - Grygoruk V.I., scientific research pro-rector of KNU
Co-chairman - Gorodnij M.F., dean of mechanics and mathematics faculty
Secretary - Kharitonov O.M., scientific research deputy cheaf , associate prof.
- Perestjuk M.O., NASU academitian
- Kirichenko V.V., prof., department head
- Meleshko V.V., prof., department head
- Lymarchenko O.S., prof., department head
- Mishura Yu.S., prof., department head
- Petravchuk a.P., prof., department head
- Samojlenko V.G., prof., department head
- Stanzhitskij O.M., prof., department head
- Shevchuk I.O., prof., department head
- Vasiljev I.Yu.
- Patkin Ye.D., head of society of students and PhD-students of mechanics and mathematics faculty
- Moklyachuk O.M., member of society of students and PhD-students of mechanics and mathematics faculty